What? How does the recent situation with NBC news anchor Brian Williams relate to those of us in the green industry? As I made my way through last week’s phenomenal New England Grows Conference in Boston, this story came to the forefront of the news. I was surrounded at the time by incredibly inspirational and knowledgeable individuals in the green industry for 3 days straight. It occurred to me there was quite a lesson to be learned from Mr Williams compromising situation, especially to those of us who make our livelihood gardening.
Truth and Trust. Those words should not only resonate to us all in the green industry but serve as the cornerstone for all we do. In our modern age of technology, airbrushing, selective soundbites, and the internet highway of “experts”, we who dig in the dirt must serve up credibility. The trusted news voice of NBC who entered millions of folks homes each evening was able to confabulated stories and events over a 12 year period. These stories were accepted by the public as truth, We all have stories to tell in our garden journeys. They must be our own or credited to those who own those experiences or body of work.