As the winter months go by and your outdoor garden is at rest, now is a great time to consider garden designs that will attract colorful birds next year. Although we certainly can offer food to attract our feathered...
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2015 Garden Resolutions: 3.Use Your Failures to Grow and Learn

Is it live imitating gardening? Gardening imitating life? Or are they one in the same? Learning to recognize, accept, and resolve failures is a challenge in our everyday living. In gardening is no different.There is no true gardening without...
2015 Garden Resolutions: 2. Respect What Nature Hands you

Although the calendar indicates we are midway through the first month of 2015, I am continuing to list my garden New Year's Resolutions. My baby boomer brain tends to integrate concepts better when I write them down. And yes...I am...
2015 Garden Resolutions: 1. Keep It Simple

As we enter the new year, thoughts abound on making "resolutions" We are bombarded with ideas that range from health, business, family, spiritual and personal. But this year I decided to apply the New Year's Resolution concept to my 2015...