With the fall harvest upon us, I like to consider the reap and sow of the season. Yes the bounty of flowers, wildlife and design outcomes are part of the equation. But this year I had a wonderful experience introducing...
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Leave Room in Your Garden for the Fairies to Dance

I love this old Celtic saying.......in fact I have it framed and on display in my office. The phrase came to mind 2 weeks ago when meeting with a new couple to design gardens for their front yard. After reviewing...
Technology is Great…But Common Sense Rules Sustainable Garden Designs

Today's technology has come a long way. I recall the wonder and awe of the televison commercials boasting the ability to manage electronics in my home environment with "The Clapper". I found it remarkable to be able to turn on/off...
All Those Leaves!

No matter which way you look at it...my garden is now under a thick blanket of leaves. Last weeks succession of rain days seemed to bring them all down at once. Nothing like trying to move wet leaves. Even my...