Yes, it was 11 degrees outside. Yes, I was up and out the door before 7am on a Saturday. Craziness, I know. But check out what I stumbled upon! I happened to be driving past Ballston Lake before the sun...
What a Difference a Little Snow Makes – Bog Meadow Brook Nature Trail

Last week, I was really struggling with trying to come up with ideas as to what I could photograph and blog about next. It's a tough time of year when there are no leaves on the trees, no green...
2014: My Year in Favorite Saratoga Photos…

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful, memorable celebration last night...whether you went out or stayed in...I hope it was it was happy.I thought, since I am coming up on the one year anniversary of my move to...
I’m a Day Late, but Merry Christmas!!

Merry, Merry Christmas...a little bit late! Hope everyone had a beautiful and memorable holiday with family and friends....
Frozen Holiday Memories…The Sentiment Behind Some of Our Favorite Ornaments and Displays

As I've mentioned in earlier posts, my Christmas tree is COVERED in happy memories. Vacations, special childhood ornaments made by my kids, gifts from friends, etc. Each and every ornament is carefully wrapped and tucked away when I take my...
And Then the Sun Came Out…

After almost a week of periodic snow, when I awoke this morning the sun was shining! Not only that, but because of the continued cold temps prior to today, the snow and ice were still clinging to the trees, so...
Lots of Sparkle at the Festival of Trees

I love the holidays I love every single thing about them. Not just the music, the lights, and the beautiful decorations; but also the baking, getting together with friends and family, sparkly earrings, and the general chaos of the...
Victorian Streetwalk – A Little Holiday Magic

It may have been a little bit chilly this past Thursday night, but that fact certainly did not put a freeze on the activities and fun in downtown Saratoga during our annual Victorian Streetwalk! Broadway was closed off and the...
Saratoga’s First Snow of the Season

I admit that when I first heard we were going to get hammered with a significant snowfall the day before Thanksgiving, I was not thrilled. It had been 70 degrees only 3 days before! Now we were worrying about...
5K Turkey Trot in a Snowy Wonderland!

Happy Thanksgiving! What a beautiful holiday morning we had here in Saratoga. We didn't mess around with the entrance of winter, that's for sure! No light dusting of snow to start the season off...we jumped right in with approximately 8-10...