Good morning! Yep, that's me enjoying the sunshine and a wonderful afternoon at Yaddo with some friends last summer on what we have affectionately termed a "photo safari." More on this in a moment...I just heard the weather forecast...
Shapes, Shadows and Shade in the Snow

Today the sun came out. That statement, all by itself, is worthy of headlines. Add to that the fact that the sunshine threw the temps above 30 degrees and things began to actually MELT, and we have reason to celebrate!...
The Saratoga National Cemetery for Presidents’ Day

Well, I kind of messed up a little bit here. I went to the National Cemetery this past Tuesday, the day after our most recent snowstorm. The idea was to get a couple of photos to post in honor...
Is This Snow EVER Going to End??

Wow, this winter is getting old. The cold is getting old. I want a tropical vacation...complete with rum drinks with little umbrellas, a tiki bar, beautiful sand beaches...and, of course, steel drum music. And, most importantly, warm, warm sunshine.Unfortunately,...
Spectacular Weekend at the Sagamore and Glacier Ice Bar and Lounge

There was so much going on this past weekend! First and foremost was Chowderfest which, according to everything I've heard and all the posts on Facebook, was a huge success. I love Chowderfest...the people, the music, the excitement and, of...
After the Storm…

Well, that was QUITE the storm we had Sunday night through Monday! Unfortunately, I did have to go into work early Monday morning because there were some things that just had to be taken care of. The ride was...
“Frozen Moments” in an Ice Castle

Once again, I am going to share some photos from outside the Saratoga area...approximately 67 miles, to be exact. This past Saturday, I went with friends to the Sun Bowl Ice Castle at Stratton Mountain in Vermont. Of course, I...
Venturing a Bit out of the Area!!

One of the many really great things about living in Saratoga is our proximity to so many other beautiful, historic, interesting areas. While the theme of this blog is mainly dedicated to showing and sharing photos of Saratoga, I think...
Naked Treetops!

Kind of a strange title, I know, but I bet it caught your attention. That's what I have always referred to when talking about trees after they have lost their leaves. There's no denying the beauty of foliage and all...
Gray and White Everywhere…Bog Meadow Brook Nature Trail

I posted recently on the Bog Meadow Brook Nature Trail...explaining how I had set out one morning in search of something beautiful to photograph, despite all the grays and whites of winter. I'm 100% convinced that, no matter WHEN...