I know it is only the middle of March, but I am thoroughly tempted to start this post by screaming, "Happy Spring!!" According to the calendar, Spring does not begin until March 20, but there's no denying that Mother Nature...
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Showing a New York Newbie the Sights…

I just had the BEST weekend. My daughter and her boyfriend (Dani and Brent) came up from Raleigh, NC, in order for Dani to be the Maid of Honor in her best friend's wedding. Not only was this particular...
A Beautiful Walk on a Beautiful Day in the Beautiful Saratoga Spa State Park

Wow, weekends do not get any better than the one we just experienced! As I said on my personal FB page, "There is no possible way this weekend could have been more perfect or more beautiful."...
The Morning Started Out so Nice…Until I Thought I Lost My Phone

My daughter lives in North Carolina, but she will be coming home to be the Maid of Honor in her best friend's wedding in a few weeks. They have been best friends/"sisters" since before my daughter could even sit...