To all you mothers out there…Happy Mother’s Day! Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like it’s going to be a very nice day outside (not at all, actually), so I thought now would be a good time to share some of the beauty I have been photographing the past couple of weeks as Saratoga shed the...
Apparently, Winter Isn’t Over Yet – Searching for Spring in Saratoga

In my most recent post, I was wandering around the State Park on a gorgeous spring-like morning. In today’s post, I’m sharing photos that I took early yesterday when it was six breezy, chilly (aka FREEZING) degrees. Instead of enjoying the warmth of the sun as I wandered around taking photos, I was...
Beautiful N. Broadway…a Little Photo Tour on a Sunny January Afternoon

After a pretty significant string of gloomy, cloudy, snow/ice-filled days, it was a wonderful thing when the sun finally broke through the clouds on Thursday. Happily, I was downtown for work and my day was just ending as the skies brightened. I decided to take advantage of the slightly warmer temps (it approached 50...
While Most of Saratoga was Sleeping…

I WISH I could sleep in the mornings…particularly on the weekends…and most definitely past 5:30am. But I can’t. It doesn’t matter what time I go to bed or how exhausted I am, my internal clock starts singing well before the sun comes up. It’s crazy. But there’s something to be said for being up...
A Little Saratoga Holiday Sparkle to Close Out the Year

Happy 2017…a few days late! I haven’t posted in a while, largely because the holiday season is very, very busy for me. My day job involves a ton of commercial holiday decorating all over the Capital District which means added hours and a lot of physical exertion. I LOVE this part of my job,...
Did Winter Finally Show Up in April? Yep.

The flowers were beginning to grow, the trees were lacy with new blossoms, and the grass was turning green...and then...SNOW. ...
Saratoga Sparkles…

I know it is only the middle of March, but I am thoroughly tempted to start this post by screaming, "Happy Spring!!" According to the calendar, Spring does not begin until March 20, but there's no denying that Mother Nature...
Just Some Random Pics and Comments

Wow, it has been a few weeks since I've published any posts to this blog. Time to get back on track and get busy again! I've been taking lots of photos and publishing my favorites to the Frozen Moments FB...
Happy 2016!

Happy New Year! It's a brand new month, a brand new year, a brand new page in the stories of our lives. (As I re-read the previous sentence, I kind of wonder how sappy that may sound, but it is...
Post Holiday – Pre New Year’s Thoughts and Photos

I hope everyone had a wonderful and memorable Christmas and I want to apologize for being so negligent with my blog posts. For the past year, I have tried to post at least once a week but, between the holiday...