Bucket list item: Go on a hot air balloon ride. Status: Done! For anyone who may not be aware, this weekend is the annual Saratoga Balloon and Craft Festival, held at the Saratoga Co. Fairgrounds. Rather than “launching” into the many, many crafters and vendors who are participating all weekend, I would just suggest...
Saratoga Remembers 9/11…and Saratoga Cares

Everyone remembers exactly where they were and what they were doing when they first heard about the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on 9/11/01. The entire world saw what was happening, and everyone was affected in some way; from the people (such as myself) who were hours and miles away, and watching...
Beauty and Charm On the Hill – Anne’s Washington Inn

You know those times when you start your day, completely unaware that, before the sun sets, you are going to have something unexpected and wonderful happen? That’s what happened to me the day I visited the incredibly gorgeous Anne’s Washington Inn, and had the pleasure of meeting the very warm and hospitable Joe...
Saratoga Blossoms into Spring

To all you mothers out there…Happy Mother’s Day! Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like it’s going to be a very nice day outside (not at all, actually), so I thought now would be a good time to share some of the beauty I have been photographing the past couple of weeks as Saratoga shed the...
Love is in the Air…and Rev. Joy Burke Helps Seal the Deal

“In the spring, a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.” – Alfred Tennyson There’s no denying that spring has made a grand entrance over the past week. Warmer temps, vibrant greens at every turn, blue sky and, best of all, blossoming trees and blooming flowers. Several weeks ago, I shared on...
Easter’s Sky over Saratoga

I haven’t been sleeping well lately. I have no idea why this is. I’m normally a very early morning person anyway but, in recent weeks, hopping out of bed at 4:00 am, totally frustrated at my inability to fall back to sleep, has become something of the norm. This past Sunday, however, was Easter...
Apparently, Winter Isn’t Over Yet – Searching for Spring in Saratoga

In my most recent post, I was wandering around the State Park on a gorgeous spring-like morning. In today’s post, I’m sharing photos that I took early yesterday when it was six breezy, chilly (aka FREEZING) degrees. Instead of enjoying the warmth of the sun as I wandered around taking photos, I was...
A Little Taste of Spring in February!

There’s no question that the past few days have been delightfully sunny and warm…we have been breaking high temp records for both the month and the entire winter for 3 days now. As awesome as it is, and I truly can’t believe I’m even saying this given that I am 100% a summer person,...
Beautiful N. Broadway…a Little Photo Tour on a Sunny January Afternoon

After a pretty significant string of gloomy, cloudy, snow/ice-filled days, it was a wonderful thing when the sun finally broke through the clouds on Thursday. Happily, I was downtown for work and my day was just ending as the skies brightened. I decided to take advantage of the slightly warmer temps (it approached 50...
While Most of Saratoga was Sleeping…

I WISH I could sleep in the mornings…particularly on the weekends…and most definitely past 5:30am. But I can’t. It doesn’t matter what time I go to bed or how exhausted I am, my internal clock starts singing well before the sun comes up. It’s crazy. But there’s something to be said for being up...