After a pretty significant string of gloomy, cloudy, snow/ice-filled days, it was a wonderful thing when the sun finally broke through the clouds on Thursday. Happily, I was downtown for work and my day was just ending as the skies brightened. I decided to take advantage of the slightly warmer temps (it approached 50...
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While Most of Saratoga was Sleeping…

I WISH I could sleep in the mornings…particularly on the weekends…and most definitely past 5:30am. But I can’t. It doesn’t matter what time I go to bed or how exhausted I am, my internal clock starts singing well before the sun comes up. It’s crazy. But there’s something to be said for being up...
A Little Saratoga Holiday Sparkle to Close Out the Year

Happy 2017…a few days late! I haven’t posted in a while, largely because the holiday season is very, very busy for me. My day job involves a ton of commercial holiday decorating all over the Capital District which means added hours and a lot of physical exertion. I LOVE this part of my job,...