Happy New Year! It’s a brand new month, a brand new year, a brand new page in the stories of our lives. (As I re-read the previous sentence, I kind of wonder how sappy that may sound, but it is so very true. It is a brand new, fresh start.)
As a celebration of all that was good in 2015, and there was so much that was good, at the end of today’s post, I am going to highlight the many wonderful photos shared with me by people who follow my Frozen Moments In and Around Saratoga Facebook page. (https://www.facebook.com/frozen.moments.toga/).

First, let me just say that, while I don’t necessarily believe in New Year’s resolutions as they tend to be forgotten in a week or two (and I am the greatest offender), I do believe this is a time to set forth good intentions, to reflect on the many ways we can be better people…both in the ways we treat ourselves, and in the ways we treat other living things, i.e., people, animals, the planet.

I personally believe, and I have preached this sentiment to soooo many people (mostly my kids), but it is how I choose to move through my days: We are only given one life. It is finite. That life is made up of moments, one after another after another. But they are limited. I try really hard all the time to remain aware of the fact that, if I waste one moment being hostile, jealous, cruel, etc., that is one of my precious moments that has just been wasted and that I will never get back. Granted, sometimes the crushingly sad or angry moments are inevitable, but then I try to put them in perspective and see WHY they have happened and what I can learn from them, and how to best deal with them or help whoever else may be involved. This works really well for me and my intention for 2016 is simply to try to enjoy and appreciate, or at least learn from, each and every moment. Even more so than I did in 2015. (There’s a reason the blog is called Frozen MOMENTS…it is honestly one of my favorite words.)

Also, if I DID believe in New Year’s resolutions, I would vow to finally get my post-divorce finances in order and lose, once and for all, those darn 20 lbs that keep coming back…and going away…and coming back again.
And I promise myself and my readers here that I will continue to work hard to take photos of Saratoga and all it’s surrounding areas, as I continue to learn more about this city you all love so much. I’ve been here two years now (although had only lived down the road in Burnt Hills all the years prior). Thank you all for the support and kind words throughout 2015. It was truly a good year for me personally and I look forward to 2016.
Enjoy these photos shared with me by the wonderful people who follow this blog and contribute to the FB page. I went with the shots with a snowy theme in this post, will post the others in the coming weeks ~~ there are so many great photos! Thank you all so much for sharing these with everyone.
From Gregory Fitzgerald: “Sunrise over a cold Saratoga this morning.”

From Donna Penman Evans: “Lucky shot in Hadley-Luzerne.”

From John Ess: “Nighttime on Broadway. Still snowing.”

From Joyce Snook: “Love the windows in Saratoga Springs decorated for Christmas.”

From Dave Park: “The creek running through Saratoga Battlefield Park.”

From Malcolm Stiles: “Ice skaters, Spa State Park – taken by Laverne Stiles.”

The following four were shared by Steven Hafter with the post, “Took these Thanksgiving morning.” (2014)

Happy New Year. I hope 2016 is filled with blessings and many, many moments of wonder, personal growth and love. Cheers!