I’m a little worried that this might wind up being a somewhat disjointed, incoherent post, but I’m going to power through and hope for the best. Please bear with me…
(And, in the meantime, I am going to fill it with photos from my visit to the Oklahoma Track yesterday morning to watch the workouts against the beautiful backdrop of autumn foliage. Please be sure to note all the cool shadows, i.e., the viewing stand, horses and spectators, on the track!)

For anyone who follows the Frozen Moments FB page, you may have read in an occasional post or comment that I have had the week from hell. Not anything terrible. I’m healthy. I’m happy. My kids, family and friends are all healthy and happy as well. The things that really matter are all great.

But…have you ever experienced those times in your life where EVERY LITTLE THING (or, in this instance, every big thing) happens all at the same time and you find yourself wishing for 30 hours in a day? Or even 35?
Let me explain.

I have mentioned before that I work for an interior landscaping company. It is a complete 180 from what I did for two decades prior, which was owning and running a rather large medical transcription service. I went from the world of doctors, medical language and clinic notes, to the world of plants, trees, flowers and holiday decorations. Both are/were equally stimulating in their own way and I have been very, very lucky with both. As part of my current job, we do the majority of the commercial holiday decorating around the Capital District…it’s definitely my favorite part of the job. But there’s no denying that our workload multiplies exponentially during this time as we work to maintain our daily operations, in addition to the massive amounts of work required to “deck the halls” of offices, restaurants, hotels and malls throughout the area. It is a ton of fun, but lots of hours and lots of physical work.

This year, however, in addition to my day job, I had agreed almost two years ago to do some subcontract computer work for Albany Medical Center…something I have been looking forward to for a while now. The extra income will be a huge help and I’m excited to be getting back into the medical world. I’ve waited and waited for the new clinic to open so that my work could begin…and, wouldn’t you know it, it’s all happening right now! I am struggling to learn basically two new software systems and protocols, in addition to trying to stay on top of things with my day job. AND…

In the middle of all of this, I am leaving for Holland on Thursday for almost two weeks to visit my brother and sister-in-law, and meet my new nephew, Max! I haven’t started packing and I don’t even know where to begin, given that I have a 44 lb weight limit on my checked bag. FORTY-FOUR POUNDS??? That’s nothing. I’m stressed. What to wear. What shoes. How many clothes can I actually wear on my body for the trip so that I do not have to worry so much about that damn 44 lb weight limit? I am going to board the plane looking like an over-bundled snowman because I plan on wearing both coats that I want to bring over, as well as my boots…all the heavier items that can’t/won’t fit in my bag.

So, yes, a little stressed. But so looking forward to my trip! My brother lives in the heart of Amsterdam, and I am so excited for all the sightseeing and adventures we are going to have. And the two zillion photos I will come back with. I’m also looking forward to just hanging out with them and playing with that precious little baby.

I have tried to schedule 2 posts a day on FB for while I am gone…not sure how that’s going to work given the time changes, but let’s just cross our fingers. Holland is six hours ahead of us, but they go into Daylight Savings on Oct. 25, whereas we don’t start until Nov. 1. My days are going to be all kinds of screwed up! I THINK I have posts scheduled for 7am and 3pm as always, but it could wind up being an hour or two different either way…who knows. I also have two blog posts set to publish on Sunday 10/25 and Sunday 11/1.

I will try to share some photos on FB while I am gone, so check in if you’re interested. And, if you hear on network news about the “bat-shit crazy” lady who accidentally wound up in Egypt instead of Holland, babbling incoherently because she has had a nervous breakdown due to having too many things going on at once, you’ll know it’s me.
Kidding. I plan on having a great time, lots of adventures and stories to tell, and a mountain of photos. And I can’t wait to see my brother and his family. Be back soon!