Once again, I am going to share some photos from outside the Saratoga area...approximately 67 miles, to be exact. This past Saturday, I went with friends to the Sun Bowl Ice Castle at Stratton Mountain in Vermont. Of course, I...
Venturing a Bit out of the Area!!

One of the many really great things about living in Saratoga is our proximity to so many other beautiful, historic, interesting areas. While the theme of this blog is mainly dedicated to showing and sharing photos of Saratoga, I think...
Naked Treetops!

Kind of a strange title, I know, but I bet it caught your attention. That's what I have always referred to when talking about trees after they have lost their leaves. There's no denying the beauty of foliage and all...
Gray and White Everywhere…Bog Meadow Brook Nature Trail

I posted recently on the Bog Meadow Brook Nature Trail...explaining how I had set out one morning in search of something beautiful to photograph, despite all the grays and whites of winter. I'm 100% convinced that, no matter WHEN...
Bummer for Everyone Who Chose to Sleep in this Morning and Stay Warm…

Yes, it was 11 degrees outside. Yes, I was up and out the door before 7am on a Saturday. Craziness, I know. But check out what I stumbled upon! I happened to be driving past Ballston Lake before the sun...
What a Difference a Little Snow Makes – Bog Meadow Brook Nature Trail

Last week, I was really struggling with trying to come up with ideas as to what I could photograph and blog about next. It's a tough time of year when there are no leaves on the trees, no green...
2014: My Year in Favorite Saratoga Photos…

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful, memorable celebration last night...whether you went out or stayed in...I hope it was it was happy.I thought, since I am coming up on the one year anniversary of my move to...