Trick-or-Treating FAQs for Halloween in Saratoga
With Halloween around the corner, there are plenty of questions that parents have before letting their youngsters trick-or-treat. Here is our take on the most frequently asked questions on Halloween to check out before the exciting, sugar-filled evening!

When does trick-or-treating start?
In Saratoga, trick-or-treating is held on Halloween evening, October 31. It generally starts as early as 5:30pm with the bulk of the children hitting homes from 6:00pm and 8:00pm. Typically, the last of the trick-or-treating is completed by 9:00pm. However, you should be prepared for some parents who take their smaller children out to trick-or-treat as early as 3:30pm!
In addition, trick-or-treating will be held in downtown Saratoga on Saturday, October 22, during the annual Saratoga Fall Festival. Children and their families are encouraged to dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating at participating businesses from 12:00pm-4:00pm.
How do I know if people are home and have candy?
Homes that welcome trick-or-treaters will usually have their outside lights on. Often, homes are adorned with festive decorations or carved pumpkins to let you know they're expecting and are ready for trick-or-treaters. If you're unsure, just move on to the next house.
How old is too old to trick-or-treat?
Typically in Saratoga, we see children of all ages trick-or-treating. Those handing out candy are likely happy to give candy to teens who dress up. If you are a parent who shies away from older kids trick-or-treating, plan a Halloween party instead!
Is it safe for kids to trick-or-treat alone in Saratoga?
Use your best judgment here! You'll want to consider the age of your children, their maturity, how well you know the neighborhood, and how much car traffic there typically is in the area. If your child is younger than 12 you should probably accompany them.
How much candy should I buy?
Buying candy in bulk is a safe bet, and it will save you money - but you may not want to go that route if you're concerned about being stuck with all the leftover treats. If you're unsure, ask your neighbors how many trick-or-treaters your area tends to get.