Paint & Create Summer Camp Week 5
When and where
Date and time
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Hosted By
About this event
Week 5: “Recycled Creations”
**Day 1: Tin Can Wind Chimes**
Projects: Recycled tin can wind chimes decorated with beads and strings.
Skill Focus: Hammering, decorating, and assembling.
**Day 2: Bottle Cap Magnets & Pins**
Projects: Bottle cap art to create magnets and pins.
Skill Focus: Painting, cutting, and gluing.
**Day 3: Cardboard Creations**
Projects: Upcycled cardboard sculptures or wall art.
Skill Focus: Cutting, assembling, and painting.
**Day 4: Recycled Paper Beads**
Projects: Rolling recycled paper to create beads for jewelry.
Skill Focus: Rolling, painting, and threading.
**Day 5: Plastic Bottle Planters**
Projects: Turn plastic bottles into small planters decorated with paint and fabric.
Skill Focus: Cutting, painting, and assembling.
Event times and information subject to change and not guaranteed.