My friend Nancy asked me to go shopping to help her find a dress for an upcoming Holiday Party. The setting is the Albany Symphony followed by cocktails and hors d'oeuvres. How classy and elegant is that? This dress found...
Here’s the scoop …
In my constant and humble quest for perfection, I've made a few updates to my blog. I'm sure there will be more to follow - but just wanted to be sure you are benefiting from all the DTSB has to...
The Secret is Out …
As you all know, I turned 40. I'm fine with it. OK it took some getting used to... But, what can I do? It happened and the world hasn't crumbled yet. I asked the same question to my friend and...
Hooky Day in NYC

The girls and I made our traditional Christmas trip to the city (despite a broken wrist - but that's another story!). We saw some very dear friends, went shopping (a bit of time at American girl), checked out the...
Kicking off the Christmas Season with a French Flair …

Crepes and pomme frites after church at Ravenous 21 Phila Street. Anticipating Santa's arrival.Give him your wish list on Wednesday December 3rd, 7:00 p.m. when he arrives at his home on Broadway (directly across from Caroline Street). G. Willikers...
Black Friday Deals Downtown …

PaperDolls of Saratoga 80 Henry Street: 20% off all week end if you tell them DownTownSusieBrown sent you! 80 West 80 West Circular: Open 9 am to 6 pm. 15% off jewelry, 20% off shoes and bags, 30% off...
Happy Thanksgiving!
Don't think for one minute that my Thanksgiving will be this serene and picture perfect.No, no.But, we will try our best.It will be filled with love, laughter, kids running around grandma, cocktail hour(s) that go too long (we never...
Shop for a Good Cause
Thanks to Martha Stewart we have had a resurgence of do-it yourselfers. These talented and creative people knit, sew, and quilt. They make hand made jewelry, ornaments, pottery, handbags, doll clothes, and much much more. Where do they find...
Holiday Outfit #1 …

Feeling 1950's Glam for this Holiday look ... Above brooches were both gifts for my birthday.The pink beauty is from my classy and 50's NYC era in-laws - love hearing their stories about scooter rides on Park Avenue, martini lunches...
‘Tis the season… To Shop!
Best to embrace the season and make the most of it.I'll help.My first great gift idea is this pretty shopper by Smudge Ink sold at PaperDolls, 80 Henry Street ; $10.00.With so much food and gift shopping to do...