All own and wear beautiful pieces of Gorjana Jewelry. You could join this exclusive club too. Speck Boutique...
What Would Your 3 Be?
Which three stores would you miss the most if it had to close its doors? This grass roots organization, the 3/50 Project, is asking us to think about which three independently owned stores mean the most to each of us and...
What To Wear with the Giveaway {winner announced!}

{dress by Diane Von Furstenberg at Aggie's Boutique on Broadway} The winner is..... CAREWILL comment "So great. Me wants..." Congratulations!! The perfect dress to go with your giveaway! Come back next week for another great giveaway. Don't forget...
Spring Trend {and a Giveaway}

I think Wednesday is replacing Friday as my favorite day of the week. It's hump day and giveaway day. Leading up to Shopping with Downtown Susie Brown on May 13th {huh! falls on a Wednesday} I will be giving away truly...
Giveaway Wednesday!!! {leading up to Shopping with DTSB}

Horse season will be here before you know it. Derby Day, the unofficial kick off to the racing season is in 17 days {but who's counting?}. These stemless wineglasses from Impressions of Saratoga {$40 value} are a great way to...
Save the Date {Shopping with DTSB}
Girls Night Out by downtownsusiebrown on What? A night out shopping with Downtown Susie Brown and your girlfriends, sisters, mother, mother-in-law, daughters, whoever - even your dog can come! Why? Spring is here and so are fabulous new...
a Christmas classic
{photo by John Sullivan} The Nutcracker. We pretty much live and breathe the Nutcracker from September to December thanks to my little aspiring ballerinas. The music is played repeatedly, the dances are practiced until perfection and the story is...
Black Friday Deals Downtown …

PaperDolls of Saratoga 80 Henry Street: 20% off all week end if you tell them DownTownSusieBrown sent you! 80 West 80 West Circular: Open 9 am to 6 pm. 15% off jewelry, 20% off shoes and bags, 30% off...