With all this 90+ degree weather it certainly feels like August. The only thing missing? Horses, pool parties, and the beach... We may never have the ocean here in Saratoga Springs but before you know it there will be...
The “Get it Done” Outfit …
The "get it done" day for many of you I'm sure is Saturday. Drop off the dry cleaning, go to the post office, check out a flea market, paint that old dresser, do a little shopping on Broadway, stop by the...
What To Wear with the Giveaway {winner announced!}

{dress by Diane Von Furstenberg at Aggie's Boutique on Broadway} The winner is..... CAREWILL comment "So great. Me wants..." Congratulations!! The perfect dress to go with your giveaway! Come back next week for another great giveaway. Don't forget...
Spring Trend {and a Giveaway}

I think Wednesday is replacing Friday as my favorite day of the week. It's hump day and giveaway day. Leading up to Shopping with Downtown Susie Brown on May 13th {huh! falls on a Wednesday} I will be giving away truly...
Perfect Accessories for Earth Day

Need I say more? Sassy totes at Speck Boutique on Broadway. Calling all Green Recessionista's!!! You're going to love this book {and $10 price tag}. Discounts at many of our local shops, restaurants, spas and farms. Shop local, support...
Thank You Notes…
{Vera Wang Stationery found at PaperDolls of Saratoga. Love this orange print - crisp and clean yet a mod update to classic stationery} These are high on my to-do list this week. I have many people to thank...
Drum roll, please… {Giveaway winner anounced!}

{another stay-cation idea... have the kids make a band using items found in the recycle bin. Cans as drums, water bottles filled with beads as maracas, an old cereal box cut in the middle with some string and a...
Stay-cation continues… {things to do}

Long walks with the girls and Ginger to town and the parks, fish stocking at SPA State Park, and of course the must see {well, for every pre-teen and teenage girl and the lucky chaperone - c'mon you know you...
Giveaway Wednesday!!! {leading up to Shopping with DTSB}

Horse season will be here before you know it. Derby Day, the unofficial kick off to the racing season is in 17 days {but who's counting?}. These stemless wineglasses from Impressions of Saratoga {$40 value} are a great way to...
Stay-cation… {things to do}

We are home this week. The girls are off from school, so its a great time to embrace our town. Saratoga is known for it's horses, so we took a drive around Saratoga Lake and over to the horse...