Believe it everyone; there is an actual definition and explanation on Wikipedia as to what a Man Cave is.
I guess in many ways I should not have been too surprised but a part of me was. It is real; it happens in many homes and can go one of two ways. It can be a great place in your home or a place that has the potential to cause undue stress and anxiety by those that aren’t allowed to frequent it or have a say in the design. Let’s try and change the latter today, why not make this space something that not only the men in your life can enjoy but the women as well.
Perfect example here. This space has a rustic basement feel to it while still lending a hand in the Style department. This room is a place not only a sports fan could hang out in and watch the game, but it looks like the perfect place for a cocktail party, movie or game night. It is a universally functioning room.
Having played sports my whole life and being a sports fan, I can understand wanting to show your team pride by displaying all your favorite memorabilia. However, as with all things in life there is a point where one can take that too far.
After all this is still a part of your home not some local watering hole so why not just display a few nice pieces of team memorabilia and leave it at that. Have an autographed picture, helmet, hat or shirt? Frame these items and hang them where they can be seen and displayed nicely, then move on. Part of the reason I say this is I personally cannot imagine being in a room surrounded by one particular team, then come the big game, they lose and you have to spend the rest of those agonizing months looking at the one team that brought you such heartache. No thanks. I want a room that functions year round, no matter what team is playing, a place you can lounge, relax and enjoy a cocktail with friends.
This is more like it. Although this hardly looks like what you’d consider a man cave to look like I can image the back wall adorned with sports memorabilia instead of the photos they have chosen. Add that sports flare to it and it is a win-win for all. It still looks nice but boasts a bit more of a “man cave” feel to it. The table and chairs make a great place for poker night with the men or card night with the ladies.
Lastly to the must haves. Invest in a good TV. Now a days you can get a nice flat screen TV for far less than when they first came out. It is a good investment and will last a very long time.
Every Man Cave needs a refrigerator. You can get a small mini-frig or a regular refrigerator if you have the room for it. This eliminates the need to go up and down the stairs each time you want to get your guest a drink. Plus it keeps your main refrigerator from looking like something out of a frat house. Depending on whether or not you’ve opted to build or purchase a bar, a refrigerator is a must have for your Man Cave. Oh and don’t forget the wine frig, it too is a must have!
Lastly, furniture. Invest in a nice couch and chairs. Leather is easy to clean and take care of and obviously looks very nice. Whatever material you choose make sure you’ve thought about the functionality of your space, the type of events you plan to host and how many people you expect to sit and enjoy the game, movie or whatever.
Whatever you choose to do with this extra space, look at it as an added luxury. It’s not a given in every home that one can afford the space to do whatever you choose. As long as you’re fair about it and make it a universal place for everyone to hang out in at some point or another I can almost guarantee that you’ll all get the best use out of it as possible, even if he insists on putting this sign up!
Until Next Time, Happy Designing!