According to Wikipedia “Doors have an aesthetic role in creating an impression of what lies beyond”
Have you ever stopped to think about how many interior doors you have in your home?
I was sitting home the other day thinking how boring interior doors are. They are such a large part of our home yet they are often over looked when it comes to interior design. So I started thinking about where I could experiment in my house. I figured the best place would be my own bedroom. I love my white room but I started thinking, wouldn’t an unexpected pop of color give it an added personal touch?
I took one of my accent pillows to Lowes, had them color match it and bought a gallon of green paint. My mind was made up. I was going to paint the back of our door the same green that is accented throughout my white room. I am very pleased with the results. When you close the door you get a nice shot of color and it really looks wonderful. Now I’m thinking about a few other interior doors in my home. I think it is a great way to add just a touch of color.
Painting a door is an easy and fast way to add drama to a room. Take a look at the color of these yellow doors. This is a beautiful color. It is bright, fresh and adds a bold statement to an otherwise serene room. It would be a shame not to paint these doors. They become a piece of art.
I love white; it is so universal and easy to work with. I also love color but there is nothing worse than falling in love with a color that you just can’t do anything with. These green doors to me are a perfect example. The bright green is gorgeous, but could you imagine a whole room painted this color? Not me. To me, a color like this is just made for an interior door. It bounces off the white and black and gives an otherwise unassuming room a dramatic boost. This just works wonderfully.
These closet doors again give the room a focal point. These doors unpainted would be nothing but functional, plain and simple, but add a creamy pink color and you now add unity and color to a mostly white room. The rug draws out the color of the doors even more. I love this room.
Looking for something a bit more subtle? These light gray doors look perfect in this room. The color is light, airy and adds a sophisticated pop of color. The light blue color of the hallway works well with the grey and really ties the two rooms together. This is a great way to paint your doors without feeling like you have to be dramatic in your color choice. You can add color in a more subtle way.
This is another great example of a lighter color in an all-white kitchen. They used the same pink as one of the chairs. It gives you a sense of why they chose the color without making it too matchy-matchy.
You don’t need a lot of wall decorations when you paint the interior door; it really does become a piece of art in the room. The old “less is more” comes to mind. Again the great thing about paint is you can always go back or try another color next year. The possibilities are endless!
So put ‘paint interior door’ on your list of home improvements. It will be quick, easy and will really make a nice statement in your room. Also, if you have recently painted your front door, don’t forget to take the color to the inside of your front door, no one says you have to keep it that store bought off-white.
Until next time, Happy Designing!