BALLSTON SPA – It is hard to imagine any person of any type who could not derive benefits from massage; but it is a safe bet that there is no segment of the population that could benefit more than women who are carrying a child! These “Mom’s-to-be” are carrying extra weight of course, and...
Planet Angela: Do You Need It?

SARATOGA SPRINGS – Do you need a gym membership or are you throwing your money away? I wish that the answer to this was simple and consistent for everyone, but it just isn’t that easy. We all work on a different schedule with our families, our jobs, our lifestyle, and everything else life throws...
Planet Angela: Continue Your Wellness Journey After the New Year

Editor’s Note: A warm and hearty welcome to Angela Amedio – who will be providing fitness tips and nutritional guidance to us every month or so, so that we can be at our best every day. Today she discusses how to keep your resolutions alive throughout the year. – AG SARATOGA SPRINGS – Here...
Saratoga Regional YMCA Launches 2019 Annual Campaign

SARATOGA SPRINGS – The Saratoga Regional YMCA is launching its Annual Campaign today, February 25th, to ensure that everyone in our community has access to vital programs and resources that support youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Every day, the Saratoga Regional YMCA works to support the people that need it most by...

A New Approach to Fitness at 120 West Avenue SARATOGA SPRINGS – For many, the idea of working out is a staple of their daily lives. Yet for some, putting yourself out there in the midst of a big group of people, particularly if you are beginning a new regimen, perhaps that New Years...
Be Good To Yourself This Holiday Season!

Rejuvenation at Complexions Spa Will Enable You to Be Your Best SARATOGA SPRINGS – I had to face reality. All the signs were there. After almost two years of bringing this blog to you, with nearly 600 posts during that time (this is number 595 for the record), I could feel myself hitting the...
Give the Gift of Wellness!

Complexions Makes Giving Wellness Easy SARATOGA SPRINGS – No matter what Holiday you celebrate, the end of the year and Holiday time is always hectic, and frequently quite stressful. At this time more than ever, it’s important to to stay attentive to those things that contribute to your overall well-being, to assure that you...
Giving Thanks at Saratoga Independent School

SARATOGA SPRINGS – Last week, Saratoga Independent School (SIS) celebrated the holiday with their annual Thanksgiving Feast. The students prepared food, created decorations, and invited members of the Saratoga community to join them to share a delicious meal on the SIS campus. Students invited members of the local police and fire departments, school bus...
CBD For Me?

Complexions Spa for Beauty + Wellness is First in Capital Region to Offer Cannabis Extracted CBD Oil Massage SARATOGA SPRINGS — Complexions Spa for Beauty + Wellness, an award-winning, LEED-certified spa with locations in Albany and Saratoga Springs, is the first spa in the Capital Region to add a Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil Massage to...