SARATOGA SPRINGS – Join The Dark Horse Mercantile (445 Broadway) on Thursday, April 18, from 5 to 8 pm in supporting their neighbors – Universal Preservation Hall (UPH) – on their journey to renovate their historic space. The night will include a wine tasting with Old Tavern Farm Winery, live entertainment, hors d’oeuvres, and...
Health, History, Horses… and Hops!
8th Annual Night at the Brewseum

SARATOGA SPRINGS – Here’s a news flash: People like this event. Pure and simple… … and they turn out in droves – year after year. For it has all the elements: an incredibly beautiful setting, perhaps a hint of spring, and tasting, tasting, tasting. All your local/regional favorites are here, with a few purveyors...
Hunger Summit at Fingerpaint
Fingerpaint and Hunger Action Network Honor Two Partners Against Hunger

SARATOGA SPRINGS – You might think this sort of thing happens all the time. Social service and not-for-profit organizations on the front lines of food insecurity, getting together for an idea and experience exchange. Sharing common interests and goals. But it doesn’t happen all the time. These organizations, often underfunded, seeking to fulfill their...
Be A Graduation Party Hero!
Let The Dizzy Crew Come To You!

SARATOGA SPRINGS – With graduation time shortly upon us, it’s time to make the party plans. Imagine if, at your party, your guests’ plates were filled with this… …or this! Then you’ll need to get this to the party… The point is that whether the site of your party is in your backyard, or...
A Savory Easter Starts Here
Bunnies, Eggs and Baskets Galore - and Don't Forget the Ham!

SARATOGA SPRINGS – With Easter Sunday just two weeks away on April 21, it’s time to go shopping for some of the seasonal goodness that spring brings. Savory Pantry (486 Broadway) has put together another great array of holiday baskets and other goodies that are sure to delight. We went shopping for a few,...
Sea Change
Changemakers - Thursday March 28, 2019

SARATOGA SPRINGS – The lesson is clear. Change is not only coming, it is here. Though much work remains to be done, and while it is evident that change often has to swim against the tide of our national “leadership” to achieve a world that is free from domestic violence and sexual assault –...
Planet Mandy: Brighter Days Ahead
Shelters of Saratoga's Brighter Days Gala - Thursday, March 28, 2019

SARATOGA SPRINGS – Within the center of Longfellows banquet hall is an outstretched tree which has been carefully wrapped in thousands of soft white lights. I can only image the countless hours, dedication and love that the community of Longfellows put into this tree, bringing out the trees natural glow of beauty, life and...
Retro Rondevous!
HMT's Spring Benefit Proves That Swing is King - In Any Era!

SARATOGA SPRINGS – Every nook, every cranny of the Spa Little Theater was transformed and utilized on Saturday, March 23rd, as Home Made Theater (HMT,) Saratoga’s resident theater company, staged their annual spring benefit. A celebration of “Dancing Through The Decades” was the theme, and whether you preferred a Speakeasy vibe, 20s/30s dance hall,...
Today’s Reason….
...To Be Happy You Live Here!

SARATOGA SPRINGS – Today’s reason comes to us in a double dose from H.O.P.E. (Homes for Orphan Pets Exist). As a result of DZ Restaurants extending their Helping HanDZ in February (for details, see this POST,) H.O.P.E. received a whopping contribution of over $3,400 – which will certainly make a lot of tails wag!...
Saratoga County Restaurant Week is March 22 - 28

SARATOGA SPRINGS – I don’t know about you, but I’d like at least a forkful of every entree displayed in this Video: The video inspires me to rediscover old favorite restaurants, and to make new favorites. The good news is that you can do this too, and right in Saratoga County. It’s Restaurant Week,...