Pitney Farm Art Exhibit Set for Saturday, Sept. 16
SARATOGA SPRINGS – An exhibit of photos chronicling the history of Saratoga Springs’ last working farm will be on display Saturday, Sept. 16th at the Pitney Meadows Community Farm in the newly restored gathering barn adjacent to the community gardens.
On display between 2 and 4 p.m. will be photographs of the farm taken over the years by Tom Stock, a photographer whose studio in Saratoga Springs is located directly across West Avenue from the farm.
Visit Tom Stock’s site – you won’t be sorry! – AG
The exhibit also will feature paintings and drawings by 25 young artists who participated in art classes offered in the gardens over the summer.
Update: Community Gardens, Sunflowers and Girl Scouts
Dozens of volunteers have installed 55 garden beds on the 166-acre farm, which Pitney Meadows acquired last December with the aim of establishing a regional hub for sustainable farming, education in agriculture, and the training of young farmers.
“For anyone who has not yet visited the gardens, this exhibit will be an ideal opportunity to see them,” said Garden Director Natalie Walsh.
Several troops in the Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York have been especially active in the gardens. Earning merit badges for their efforts, they have planted sunflowers and created rock markers for the community herb bed.
In their latest project, the Girl Scouts are creating in the gardens a “fairy village” consisting of more than a dozen small houses they’re making from such natural materials as bark, logs, shells, sticks, moss and pebbles. This installation also will be on display.
Among other activities Walsh organized this summer was a “Grow the Tallest Sunflower Contest,” the winner of which will be announced at the exhibit at 2:15 p.m., she noted.
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Photo – Arthur Gonick
Pitney Meadows Community Farm is located at 223 West Avenue in Saratoga Springs, across the street from the Saratoga Springs YMCA.