You Can’t Be Serious!
By Nancy Muldoon
I heard on the news this morning that ‘politician’ Marion Barry was arrested for stalking a woman. Are we surprised by this behavior? We shouldn’t be.
Lets do a little time travel through history. In 1990 Marion Barry, then Mayor of Washington D.C was caught on tape smoking crack cocaine in a Washington hotel room.
His famous quote, “The bitch set me up” became tabloid fodder and the quote was immortalized on t-shirts worn by many in the black community.
He again ran for Mayor and in 1994 was unbelievably re-elected. You can’t make this stuff up. Marion Barry clearly has difficulty getting out of his own way.
This is the same guy who also in 1994, told Sally Quinn of the Washington Post that mandatory Norplant for single mothers would be okay with him. Below is a direct quote from Barry:
“You start out with the philosophy that you can have as many babies as you want…..if you don’t ask the government to take care of them. But when you start asking the government to take care of them, the government ought to have some control over you. I would say, for people like that, if they want the government to take care of their children I would be for something like Norplant, mandatory Norplant.”
Marion Barry is a very pointed example of abuse of power and public office. His behavior is nothing less than outrageous. This guy is a predator, has been a predator and quite honestly has been stalking the American taxpayers for far too long.
You say "Unblievably re-elected". Why is it unblievable? Marion Barry was re-elected in 1994 for one reason. Washington DC, in 1994, was about 65% Black. These Black voters in DC supported a black candidate. It is as simple as that. Al Sharpton is another example of this. He rose to fame through the commitence of Fraud. Yet he has social power enough to influence National politics. Why? Because of the support he gets from the black voters on issues he supports. It aint rocket science!
I have thought a lot about your comment and you are right to say that he was re-elected because much of the D.C. population is black.
I don't think you are old enough to remember the Tawana Brawley scandalbut you are correct about Al Sharpton rising because of fraud. I lived in Brooklyn at the time the Tawana fiasco played out in the papers and the media did nothing but add fuel to the fire. It polarized the race wars that dominated the city. Not fun to live in NYC then.
But yes, I should not be surprised, I guess I keep expecting people do be decent and come to their senses. I am naive. LOL
Actually, the Tawana Brawley case was the fraud I was talking about. Alton Madox, C. Vernon Mason, and Rev. Al Sharpton all helped Ms. Brawley perpetuate these false accusations. Steven Pagones, the Dutchess County Assistant DA at the time, had his personal and professional lives ruined by these people, and none of what they clamied was true.
Pagoness won his defamation lawsuit and was awarded $345,000. Sharpton's share of the award amounted to $60,000, which was paid for him by his supporters.
Sharpton remains a viable political figure in our country, and he got there by commiting fraud.
Yes I remember all of this like it was yesterday
Al Roney of WGY 810 am talked about this last summer. I guess if Tawana or her mother step inside NY State they will be arrested, she changed her name and I think she lives in North Carolina from what I understand.