Things that Make You Go Hmmm….
By Citizen Nancy
It was recently brought to my attention that Ken Kay who is the Food and Beverage Director at the Garden Buffet at the Racino was stripped of his decision making duties.
He was stripped of his duties because he refused to buy a scale to weigh food as it was delivered to the dock at the Racino. Employee’s suspected for some time that a certain poultry purveyor (SAHR’S) was short changing the Garden Buffet.
Boxes of poultry which were to weigh 80 pounds were lighter and lighter with each delivery. Finally someone had the good sense to weigh the boxes of chicken. Some boxes weighed as little as 60 pounds.
It is said that this cost of this incompetence is anywhere from $100,000-$300,000 which is shocking considering Mr. Kay is still employed at the Garden Buffet. Why aren’t people like this fired? It defies explanation.
Oh but wait, the good news is that there is now a scale to weigh deliveries on the dock at the Garden Buffet. You can’t make this stuff up.