Everyone plays armchair lawyer and armchair quarterback on occasion and I am not the exception. If I were Mayor here are just a few things I would do, I’m sure I would think of other things later on and will add to the list.
I would put a 3-5 year moratorium on all commercial building. We do not need
any more condos or hotels in saratoga.
I would allow anyone living in Saratoga County free admittance to Saratoga Racecourse.
I would also allow Saratogians one free lawn ticket to ANY SPAC event per season.
I would make sure that both the east side and west side recreations field are outfitted with respectable public restrooms, its an embarrassment to the city
that everything else about the fields have been upgraded except the restrooms.
I would make sure that all downtown bars would be closed at 2am. There is NO NEED to have them open until 4am.
I would make sure that waiters and waitresses no longer have to claim tips to our government, if the jerks who run Albany want tip money than they can start waiting tables. ( I would pay to see it) talk about entertaining.
I would have elementary school kids be responsible for cleaning and maintenance of both the East and West Side Field. They would get some sort of school credit for doing community service and I save the city of Saratoga Springs $50,000 which is what it costs to maintain the fields.
People who park cars in their yard during racing season should not have to pay additional taxes to do so, people pay enough taxes already.
The Racino is run by a bunch of pathological, unscrupulous, corrupt, and thieving scumbags, It begs for massive overhaul and unless the city of Saratoga Springs starts to benefit financially from the Racino, I believe it should be shut down.
I’m Nancy Muldoon and I approve this message.
Love the last paragraph!!
You've got my vote, mayor………….