Total Recall
By Nancy Muldoon
Want to know why New York State has become the laughing stock of the rest of the nation? I can describe it in one word. ALBANY!!
I say its time for another coup, this time the taxpayers need to get rid of every Senator who claims to work on behalf of New Yorkers. Every last one of them needs TO GO!!
Albany has been an embarrassment for a LONNNGGGGG TIME! But this time enough is enough!
Malcolm Smith, Shelly Silver, (who in my opinion is the pied piper) Senator Schumer all need to be removed from their positions and while were at it lets also get rid of Gov. Paterson and Mayor Jerry Jennings. Yeah, all Albany needs is some good old fashioned house cleaning.
Amen to that!
Nancy, many people were at the TEA party today in Abany who would agre wholeheartedly. I guess I would agree threequarterheartedly. 😉
While I have no doubt that this new split will yield us just the kind of inactivity that is probably safets for the state senate to engage in, I find it hard to imagine life without the daily stream of tsuris and melodrama coming
from those marbled halls. 😉
I enjoy your blog (especially as a man who insists on doing the shopping).