Finance Commissioner Ken Ivins, started his speech at last nights City Council meeting by telling everyone that it was his 30th Wedding Anniversary.
He then went on to talk about the proposed cuts to the community which he says are necessary. “It’s easy being Santa Claus and hard being the Scrooge.” said Ivins.
In my opinion, he resembles neither but he does bear a striking resemblance to Burl Ives, so much in fact that my future viewings of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer will never be the same.
Much of last nights meeting was regarding the property at 23 Greenfield Avenue, and its future demolition. Although there were many Saratoga residents who spoke out against its demise, James Kettlewell among them, I believe that the only thing this accomplishes is just delaying the inevitable, destroying a historical home in hopes that the people who desire to do so will throw the people of Saratoga a few crumbs their way at some future charity event. I hope I am wrong.
The proposed cuts to the Saratoga Springs Police and Fire Department have thankfully struck a nerve in our city in the country.
I believe it is better to keep the current Police Officers on staff as opposed to making cuts and allowing existing officers to be worked around the clock and allowing overtime which costs the city even more money (A LOT MORE MONEY) in the long run.
It has been said that the SSFD is currently understaffed, again that means the few guys that we have are working around the clock and Overtime for them is costing the city of Saratoga Springs more money.
I was initially impressed by seeing all the protesters on each corner of Broadway/Lake Ave/Church Streets but was very disappointed to hear that each and everyone of them were paid $100 dollars per diem for showing up. That to me is phony activism and they have lost credibility in my book.
We for now, we have protected our Status Quo here in Saratoga Springs, it still remains the safest community in all of New York State.
Since Saratoga was the only host community that did not receive VLT money, I can only encourage my fellow Saratogians and Mr.Ivins in particular to shut down the Racino and turn it into low income housing, since it doesn’t generate any $$ to our fine city and it offers nothing in the way of quality to the area.
Nothing would amuse me more than if Mr.Ivins started out the next meeting by singing “Silver and Gold” which now that I’m thinking of it, should be our towns theme song.