Last Call
By Nancy Muldoon
I say it’s about time that the good citizens of Saratoga Springs take action and implement a change in the law regarding closing time for bars in downtown Saratoga.
I concur with the person who called the Saratogian Sound Off two days ago and stated that if Saratoga Springs wanted to save money in court fees, police overtime that we should close the bars at 2am. Yes!
Any bartender worth their salt will tell you the same thing, that the only people perusing the bar scene in downtown Saratoga between the hours of 2am-4am, are the ones who are trying to score coke and who are about to get arrested for driving while intoxicated. Most of the mayhem and debauchery happens in the wee hours of 2am-4am, usually a guy fighting another guy over a girl and other equally stupid behaviors.
Check the police reports in any local newspaper, and you will come to the same conclusion that I have, most arrests (mostly for drunk driving) happen between 2am-5am.
I am certainly willing to compromise, during the week bars should close early and should stay open late only on Friday and Saturdays. I’ll drink to that.
This won't work. It makes too much sense!