Driving While Multi-Tasking
By Nancy Muldoon
It’s no secret that we live in a culture that often requires multi-tasking. It’s great that we can manage to carry a baby on one hip, cook something on the stove, change the channel on the television and talk on the phone all at the same time.
However, there are certain activities that require our undivided attention, like driving a motor vehicle. Driving is something that most of us take for granted and it shows in the way we drive.
It is not just motorists gabbing on their cell phones although it is one of my pet peeves, nor is bad driving behavior limited to just those who are sporting New Jersey and Massachusetts license plates.
Ironically enough, talking on the phone while driving seems to be more prevalent now than when it was still legal to do so. I also see a lot of motorists with a cigarette in one hand and a cell phone in the other.
Here’s my view on smoking: like drinking its okay but not while driving. I personally believe smoking should be banned for drivers just like cell phones.
A few months ago, while on the Twin Bridges heading back to Saratoga from Troy I noticed another motorist “drifting” into my lane. As I passed this person I understood why; she was text messaging someone while driving. Why on earth would anyone need to text message somebody while driving? It’s ludicrous not to mention dangerous.
If you are a woman, no more putting on a make-up in the car, that’s what your bathroom and bedroom are for. If you’re a guy, no more shaving and reading the newspaper; yes I know you feel your car is an extension of your office, but it really isn’t.
New York State needs to administer much harsher penalties for those motorists who refuse to abide by the rules of the road and who inexplicably continue to do other things while driving. Just remember, driving is not a right, it is a privilege. Thank you and good day.
One should refrain from doing anything but driving while driving. LMAO