I recently attended a wellness conference in Connecticut this past weekend. It was a great experience, with dozens of doctors in the wellness field presenting the latest science on health and healing. All the docs of AAC Family Wellness Centers attended and we learned new science that confirmed what we already knew. Your body, when given the proper environment, will strive for health…ALWAYS!! I think we all know that deep down, it’s just that simple. Unfortunatly, what we also learned were some disturbing facts about what society is actually doing. So I would like to share some stats with you.
WARING!! Some of you may find the following information disturbing.
98,000 people per year die from medical errors
1975 we were the 3rd healthiest nation in the world 2010 we are 12th
50% of ALL americans take at least 1 drug every day
1 out of every 10 americans take 5 or more meds per day
60% of our CHILDREN take at least one drug per day
These stats should bother you! Educate yourself with wellness concepts, change your way of thinking about HEALT CARE. We all know that more drugs does not equal better health, and now we have the stats to show that. Visit www.aacfamilywellness.com and leatn more about wellness care.
Be Well!!
America’s healthcare-system-induced deaths are the third leading cause of the death in the U.S., after heart disease and cancer.