The Battenkill Valley is so rich in artisanal cheesemakers that our annual Cheese Tour has grown almost exponentially each year. Now our friends Christine and Geoff over at the Rice Mansion Inn in Cambridge are presenting a PAIRING event with...
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What Is Channel 10’s Benita Zahn Doing Here???

She's playing BOO LARSEN (Boo Who?) in my new play STAR CROSSED at the Fort Salem Theater Aug. 13-22. Together with my partner, the multi-talented Jay Kerr, we've created a world-premier musical that's based on a true story; a...
Big-Time Artists Displaying In Little Old Salem

No trip to the Battenkill Valley is complete without a peek at what the artists are up to, and these days, the artists at North Main Gallery in Salem are definitely worth a look. Donna Marie deCreeft has exhibited...
Time Again For The Washington County Cheese Tour!

It's FREE...and it's DELICIOUS! Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 11 & 12, between 10am and 4pm, this self-guided tour to the farmstead cheese makers in the Battenkill Valley is a delight for all of the senses! Drink in the beauty of...