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Learn About the Hauntings at the Historic Canfield Casino in Saratoga Springs

The Canfield Casino in Congress Park is one of Saratoga Springs' most beautiful and historic buildings. Whether you've attended a gala or a wedding on the grounds or simply walked through the Saratoga Springs History Museum, it's undeniable that this site is one of Saratoga's gems.

However, did you know that the Canfield Casino is believed to be haunted? It's true! Learn more about the history of the building and the paranormal activity that people have experienced below.

Congress Park on a dark fall afternoon

What Is the Canfield Casino?

The Canfield Casino was originally dubbed the Saratoga Club House and was established in the late 1800s by professional boxer John Morrissey. Upon opening the Club House, Morrissey had only three rules -- no ladies allowed, cash only, and no locals. These restrictions allowed the club to take on an exclusive nature that contributed to it becoming one of the world's most renowned gambling houses of the era.

Since then, the Club House has been renamed the Canfield Casino and now operates as a museum and special events venue. It's also recognized as one of the most haunted buildings in the area.

Given its extensive history, there have been several theories as to who may still lurk around the the building. From the countless number of individuals who tried their luck at gambling over the centuries to the previous owners, some say they have experienced paranormal presences throughout the halls.

exterior view of the Canfield Casino

Reports of Hauntings Over the Years

It has been said that in the 1990s, a visitor saw a woman dressed in Victorian era clothing roaming through the corridors. This occurred once more in 2007 when a Saratoga Springs History Museum volunteer stated a woman wearing Victorian outfit approached their group, asked a question, and then vanished into thin air.

From 2007 through 2010, the reported paranormal incidences increased. In 2009, during an exhibition opening, a patron had a glass slapped from her hand by a ghostly presence. Also, a volunteer and an employee of the Casino have claimed they witnessed a lid to a garbage can fly into the air and crash onto the ground on its own.

There have even been reports of the smell of cigar smoke when no one is smoking, objects moving in rooms that had been locked for the night, sudden freezing temperatures, hostile energy, and other strange, unexplainable occurrences.

front door to the Canfield Casino

The Ghost Hunters in Saratoga

In the summer of 2010, the SyFy Network's "Ghost Hunters" came to the area to check out the Canfield Casino for themselves. The team searched the winding corridors of the three-story complex, with much of the paranormal activity happening on the third floor. An intermittent electromagnetic field on the third floor is said to be a result of ghost activity. The team also experienced hair pulling and touching during their recording.

Take a Haunted Saratoga Ghost Tour

Looking to explore more of Saratoga's haunted side in person? Check out the Haunted Saratoga Ghost Tours where you can take a walk through the eerie tales of Haunted Saratoga. On the 90-minute walking tour, you'll step back in time to discover the ghostly legends that have been present in Saratoga for centuries. The walk is very leisurely and will cover less than a mile, you'll be captivated, entertained, and perhaps even experience shivers down your spine by the countless specters rumored to haunt Saratoga. Prepare to hear about and, if you're lucky, maybe even encounter Old Smoke at the Canfield Casino, or Angeline, the Witch of Saratoga. Hattie may make an appearance in her restaurant since her passing, and you might cross paths with several other intriguing spirits. It's a hauntingly delightful experience for those with an interest in the supernatural.

canfield casino at night

The Canfield Casino in Congress Park stands as a magnificent and historically significant landmark in Saratoga Springs. Whether you've visited for a special event or explored the Saratoga Springs History Museum within its walls, its charm is undeniable. Don't miss your chance to explore Saratoga's haunted side, as it's sure to leave you with unforgettable memories and maybe even a few goosebumps.

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